Month: June 2012

DIY: Rustoleum!

Tarnished rusted metal objects plaguing your home? Don’t throw them away. Spray paint them! Rustoleum spray paint has become our new best friend. When we first moved in we painted some silver light fixtures in the kitchen so they matched the oiled bronze hardware we put on the cabinets. Then we had our bathroom remodeled and could not find a medicine cabinet with the same charm as the vintage one in there – so we refinished that inside and out. Then the thing that was bugging me the most – the hideous mailbox on the front of the house, which can not be replaced until we paint said house because the mailbox has made scratch marks behind it. We sanded it down with some rough paper, wiped it down, then applied two coats of hunter green Rustoleum. If you want you can also use a primer first, which we did for the medicine cabinet, but not the mailbox. Honestly its like magic the way it makes things look new again! P.S. Shout out to the husband for doing most of the leg work on this project.

                   BEFORE:                                                                    AFTER:

WEEK IN SNAPSHOTS: Goat Cheese, Presents & Cat Dads

This past week/weekend consisted of eating goat cheese on my scrambles eggs every day, hitting the one month mark of Insanity (Heisman is my favorite move as you can see), continuing my summer salad obsession with a tomato and beet salad, receiving my first Birch Box (a birthday present from my amazing friend Kristin) and of course celebrating Cat Dad day with brunch at our local favorite – Sweet Melissa. Hope yours was a good one too! P.S. If someone not as HTML illiterate as me can tell me how to get these little pics next to each other that would be great because I can’t seem to figure it out. Titled head confused dog look happening right now.

HOME: Wallpaper – Oh the Choices!

Wallpaper is in again. And not the kind that conjures up bad flashbacks to the 70′ and 80’s. There is actually some amazingly beautiful and fun wallpaper out there. We were having a really hard time deciding on a paint color for the hallway/stairway so we were kinda like – well let’s just wallpaper it. Some of my favorites are from Anthropologie so I went ahead and ordered some samples. I have a favorite so let’s see if we can actually make this happen in the near future.